Monday, September 21, 2009


In class this week we are studying the Philosopher Hobbs. Watch the following video about Hobbs and the laws of nature. Besides the speaker's weird mask- what did you learn? What are the Laws of nature? What points did the speaker bring up?

Watch Video

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today in class we discussed the possible themes for House of Mango Street. In your own words discuss the meaning of theme. What do you think is the central theme of the House on Mango Street? Back up your well developed answer with at least two quotes from the reading.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Direct Vs, Indirect Characterization

Today in class you learned about the difference between direct and indirect characterization. Choose at least one strong example of each from tonight's reading. Include the quote, the title of the vignette it was found in, and the page number. Follow this by commenting on the characterization. What struck you? Why was it strong? Why was it effective? Please include a picture and or video to represent your entry as well as a well developed paragraph. Remember to use proper punctuation and spelling. No text speech please!